Comments on: Does the chemical glyphosate (Roundup) mimic gluten sensitivity? Educating Doctors and Patients About Gluten Sensitivity Fri, 04 Jan 2019 22:14:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Christa O. Fri, 04 Jan 2019 22:14:07 +0000 In reply to Daniel.

Thank you, Stanley, for your comment. I especially resonate with what you said about how non-sensitive people are being damaged just the same but are unaware of it. It’s so hard to be on the side “knowing” that glyphosate is damaging yet well-intentioned people who aren’t as informed say they are fine and I’m the crazy one. Sigh. And yes, farmers are being lied to. One thing that makes me laugh is that the “inventor” of Glyphosate lives in Ankeny, Iowa, I believe, and that a food-based prescription formula for Gut Healing is also based in Ankeny, IA. (see Enteragam by Entera Health, Inc.based in Ankeny, Iowa)
Deepest thanks to Dr. Osborne and thank you to others for their additional comments. If there’s a petition started against Glyphosate, send it my way– I’m ready to sign it!

By: Peter Osborne Mon, 21 Aug 2017 16:28:40 +0000 In reply to Emma.

Buck up!
Don’t give up. Keep fighting. You are a young 70!
I wish you well and will pray for you.
Dr. O

By: Emma Sat, 12 Aug 2017 21:56:31 +0000 I’m 70 years of age, and was diagnosed with celiac disease several years ago. In the beginning, I ignored my doctor’s concerns. In recent years, I have been diagnosed with thyroid problems, fibromyalgia, digestive system problems, neuropathy, and blurred vision and balance issues. I’m being treated separately for all of these, but the more I study, the more I realize that gluten has destroyed my health. I have pain that pretty much rules my days, ad most pain medications don’t help at all. What does help, my doctors don’t want me to take due to my stomach issues. Some days, I take it anyway. The frustrations of finding foods that aren’t contaminated is just so unfair. What I’m learning is that, here in America, our F.D.A., and our D.O.A. are okaying medications and growing foods that a growing number of people can’t eat. I worry about future generations, wondering if they will build up immunities as they mature. . . For me, I’m ready to give up trying. Every move I make to have a healthy diet runs me into another wall. I probably won’t be around for many more years, so maybe I’ll just chuck the whole effort, take the meds that kill my pain and enjoy myself ’till my time comes.

By: Daniel Sun, 09 Jul 2017 15:23:53 +0000 In reply to Anne Chaka.

There could also be a “nutrition” effect. I presume that meat from an animal suffering from the health effects of glyphosate is not going to provide the same level of sustenance.

By: Daniel Sun, 09 Jul 2017 15:20:36 +0000 First thing’s first: Thank you both for the amazing work here!

Just a thought on treating glyphosate in water:
Off the bat I would guess that ozonation could be one method, but it would be worth investigating what the glyphosate oxidises too and whether that’s also harmful.
Chlorination is the more common means of disinfection (as it provides residual treatment). I’m not sure what effect this has on glyphosate.

By: Peter Osborne Thu, 01 Jun 2017 16:42:51 +0000 In reply to Stanley Colimon.

Hi Stanley,
Thanks for your comment and your input.
All the best,
Dr. Osborne

By: Stanley Colimon Sun, 21 May 2017 23:08:00 +0000 Hi Dr Osborne
I’ve been following you for years, but I abandoned when you came up with “No grain no pain”, because I was already struggling with glyphosate in fruit and vegetables. With all my respect, I even asked myself if you were not linked to Monsanto and hiding the real cause. But today with this remarkable interview, I’m really sorry for my passed thoughts about you.

There is one very important point that I wish to be brought to the public. Corn “gluten” (zenine) is being used as a weed-killer and fertilizer. As we know, most corn are already contaminated with glyphosate. Unfortunately, by experience, I realize that many plants seem to absorb this product by their roots and it ends up in the fruits and the leaves. For example, only Turbana plantains don’t give me reactions (I never tried the Burro brand, not available in my area). Turbana plantains come from Columbia, one of the seven countries where glyphosate is banned. All the other plantain’s brand that I tried, even organics, trigger reactions in me. On top of it, the rules for organic in Quebec say that growers may use cereals as fertilizer but organic if available, else they may use non organic, and I guess that those rules are similar everywhere. Corn is being use as a Trojan horse.

Very sensitive people like me are in deep trouble. But a great consolation: we receive an alert while non-sensitive people are slowly developing very weird moderns deseases with no prior notice. This point has to be clearly exposed: we don’t have to be obviously sensitive to be killed by glyphosate. Another great consolation is that we, sensitive people, don’t have any gluten related desease or allergy; our immune system react properly by alerting us against a poison, while non sensitive people are having their organs ( kidneys, prostate, pancreas…) damaged silently.

To everyone, we must do everything to end this crime against, not only humanity, but life on the planet. So please spread that information.

By: Anne Chaka Thu, 13 Apr 2017 13:34:48 +0000 In reply to Audria.

I believe that glyphosate does enter the meat from grain-fed animals. I am allergic to glyphosate with specific symptoms. I recently had a steak at a high-end restaurant that tasted terrible, and I had glyphosate exposure symptoms afterwards. I looked up the source of their meat, supposedly a family farm, and it turned out this “family farm” was a large commercial feedlot that specialized in grain-feeding cattle from young calves onward.

If you want to eat meat, make certain it is 100% grass fed. Often cattle will be raised on grass then “grain finished”. Bison also. I have yet to have glyphosate from lamb in a restaurant…..the few times I go out to eat anymore.

By: Peter Osborne Mon, 10 Apr 2017 00:07:50 +0000 In reply to christine willett.

Thanks for sharing Christine! Glad to hear that your daughter is improving!
All the best,
Dr. Osborne

By: christine willett Mon, 10 Apr 2017 00:02:08 +0000 In reply to Lynne Perkins.

We lived in predominantly rural farming area in australia where round up was used extensively plus aerial spraying of herbicides and hormone sprays. We were aerial sprayed mid morning many years ago. My daughter had health problems afterwards but they climaxed when she was 15 – elevated pulse, shaking from the inside out, unwellness, stomach problems, hair loss, etc. After few years of doctors visits and tests and no joy…she self diagnosed as gluten intolerant/sensitive plus we moved from the country to the city. We found a short term doctor who agreed and advised her to keep following a gluten free diet plus to also incorporate a low fodmap diet…since then we have seen a lot of improvement.
